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①生产决定消费   ②第三产业能促进第一、第二产业的发展 
③消费反作用于生产    ④旅游消费从消费目的看属于享受性消费
A.①③ B.②④ C.②③ D.③④小题2:侗族大歌起源于春秋战国时期,至今已有2500多年的历史,是在中国侗族地区一种多声部、无指挥、无伴奏、自然合声的民间合唱形式。侗族大歌与一般民间歌曲不同,属于民间支声复调音乐歌曲,这在中外民间音乐中都极为罕见。1986年,在法国巴黎金秋艺术节上,贵州黎平侗族大歌一经亮相,技惊四座,被认为是“清泉般闪光的音乐,掠过古梦边缘的旋律”。“汉人有字传书本,侗族无字传歌声;祖辈传唱到父辈,父辈传唱到儿孙”是侗民族生活的真实写照。材料体现的哲学道理
①矛盾的特殊性是事物本质的特征   ②矛盾普遍性与特殊性是辩证统一的 
③对侗族大歌的理性认识源于感性认识   ④人民群众是实践的主体,历史的创造者
A.①②③ B.①②④C.①③④ D.②③④

所属分类: 政治 (免费栏目) 浏览量: 95 次

Know? 2009 September 28 to October 2 at the protection of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the fourth meeting, China reported 22 items of Chinese seal carving and other selected "Representative List of Intangible Heritage of Humanity "Rights.
Your understanding of China's stone carving art? Let me talk about the art of Chinese seal it.
Chinese characters as time stretching, spatial differences develop, contains a variety of moving style, within the Indian side ups and colorful, with a sentient, there is cause shown by the way,'s small full time within the primitive and space of vigorous, though the change several times, still with gentle luster, quaint rhyme interest in introducing interesting, this is the art of seal cutting.
Carving art is calligraphy, the rules, knife the perfect combination of the three, one India, that is heroic elegant calligraphy writing conception, but also beautiful as a beautiful painting composition, and more have both vivid carving knife charm, can be regarded "square inch between the Meteorology."
Seal, after more than ten dynasties, the origin has been a long history of 2000 years, while carving a very early origin, according to "sacrifice Han Zhi" contains: "Since the beginning of a book contract Five Emperors, The three kings, vulgarization carving Man, fraud false gradually Hing, beginning with this seal to review rape Meng. " Until the Ming and Qing Seal for India is, until the Ming and Qing dynasties Indian and giving birth to seal it into a seal script as the basis, using engraving method, will soon face in the performance of density, clutch type of art, then seal by the broad The Carve inscription, to move a narrow rule India.
The traditional view that after the seal must first seal engraving, and even "one-third of seventh seal engraved," said. Seal itself is a closely integrated with the art of calligraphy, the stroke according to the specific words, gestures, words and word form and the relationship between design appropriate forms.
The school seal main Anhui, Zhejiang School, West cold 8, Reaching Zen masters and to send. Qi, Wang Xian, Wang Yong, Indian farmers, Mr Chen and other modern masters have made in this area is also promote the outstanding achievements of China's prosperity and development of seal cutting art. Arts Council of Chinese Calligraphers Association seal the Secretary-General Cui Zhiqiang, who have participated in the highest level on behalf of China calligraphy exhibition of calligraphy seal overseas exhibitions, and been invited to Japan, Korea and Europe to participate in academic exchanges, work by many domestic and foreign museums collection.
I believe that our traditional culture - carving art will be accepted by the world, to carry forward in the dissemination of general!


