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填入上面文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一句是( )


所属分类: 文学 (免费栏目) 浏览量: 75 次

This summer, I took part in the voluntary work of the 2010 Shanghai Expo. Before it began, we several weeks of training classes for the Shanghai Expo services, improving our English both in speaking and listening. We had to get familiar with all the roads, streets and traffic of Shanghai. I addition. We were trained to know the cultures of different nations.
During the Expo, our work began around 8:00 am and ended about 7:00 pm. We led people to their seats and answered their questions. Using English, we introduced Shanghai to foreign friends and gave them accurate information. Sometimes we introduced to the audience the diverse culture and economic situation in China.
From my experiences. I become more roud of our motherland, for her great progress. I take great pride in being a volunteer.

以上为百科题库网整理的关于"阅读下面的文字并回答问题。<br>在2010年上海世博会开幕式上,中外艺术家联袂登台,奉献了一台丰富多彩的大型文艺晚会。《相约上海》用欢快的歌舞、款款的深情,______________;《江河情缘》通过多瑙河与长江跨越时空的深情对话,表现了中国人民海纳百川的胸襟和朝气蓬勃的活力;《世界共襄》充满浓郁的异国情调,传递出世界各地人民对中国人民的真诚祝愿。<br>填入上面文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一句是( )"试题答案及解析,如想学习更多文学类竞赛题,欢迎访问www.baiketk.com查看搜索更多相关信息。
